Chateaugay, NY
Chateaugay, NY
Come work with other heroes and develop your vision. Find a message that resonates with people who have experienced resonating. Learn how to level up. Go from wanderer to warrior to magician.
Lisa Graves, the executive director of True North Research. Lisa served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General under the Clinton Administration. She was the Senior Legislative Strategist for the ACLU, and served as Chief Council for Nominations on the United States Senate Judiciary Committee.
Chris Hanson, the co-founder and CEO of thedatabank, gbc. A certified B Corp that is a pioneer in Software as a Service (SaaS), clients including Sierra Club - USA, American Cancer Society, The Federation of League of Conservation Voters, United Nations Association – USA, National Wildlife Refuge Association, League of Women Voters, and other organizations.
Caryl Levine and Ken Lee, founders of exceptional B Corp Lotus Foods. Their work has introduced the world to new strains of sustainable rice while providing good living wages to the people who grow and harvest the food.
Flowers and Justice Fields, Flowers and Justice Fields will prepare lunch using organic, vegan, gluten-free, and oil-free recipes from their four-decade careers as activists, large event caterers, editors, and restaurateurs.